Managing Complex Cases Post COVID-19
by MST Online Series
The webinar is focussed on complex case management especially Post Covid19 to minimise complications that can lead to extra costs and additional visits to the Hospital.
The Speakers will discuss their Complex Patients Solutions thorough case presentations and video. This will be related to products that made their surgery less risky.This will include FAB5 instruments, Malyugin Ring 2.0 6.25 and 7mm, Capsule Retractors and finally the new TrabEx+.
For Small Pupil management the panel will discuss many beneficial things including great new data on efficacy of 7mm Malyugin Ring for Floppy Iris Syndrome.
On surgical Glaucoma, Dr Auger will discuss his experience of using TrabEx+ for over the last two years, looking at his first 50 x patients through Case presentation and videos.
Find the webinar here.